Sunday, November 15, 2009

21 Miler, a Very Long Day

I did my 20 miler this morning and hit the proverbial WALL. I ran much the same as I had done previously, staying above the 11:30 miles pace, drinking lots of water, and downing a couple gel packs. The weather was windy but mostly cloudy and a little humid. I felt pretty good at my 16 mile mark, and I decided to continue along the shoreline bike path for another 3.5 miles before turning around. By doing this, my total mileage for the day would be 24 miles. I thought I could run “a little over” my planned 20 miles and walk the remainder when I tired out. To my surprise, at about the 20 mile mark I started slowing down and quickly ran out of steam. What’s worst I had just turned around and was starting to head back home. At that point I was over 4 miles out. I managed to run another mile and finally decided to walk the rest of the way including the 1 mile + climb up Waimano Home Road. When I got home I was all tuckered out and could barely down a smoothie. I showered and took an hour nap.

I had originally planned to do the 20 miler on Saturday but I dropped a cabinet door scraping my left shin. I immediately iced it and wrapped aloe around the affected area. There was no pain at all just a black and blue mark Friday evening. I decided to play it safe and wait a day. The foot did not bother during the run.

Bottom line, what did I learn about this morning’s outing? For one, the saying about the last 6 miles is the most difficult is certainly true. I will have to be better prepared. I’ll increase the number of gel packs and start taking them earlier. Definitely drink more water through out the run especially during the latter part. I may have to slow my pace or take short walking breaks. I ran most of the 21 miles taking short breaks to fill my water bottle and slowing down to down the gel packs. I was at 4:13:25 at my 21 mile mark. Plan to eat a slightly higher carb and protein diet during the week before my race.

I’ll rest a couple of days and start running on Wednesday. I have 18 miles to do before my 12 miler on Saturday. Today is the longest run I’ll do. From this point on I’ll be tapering (reducing) my mileage as I get closer to marathon day.


Kay said...

You did not look good when you came in. You really had us scared since you were out for over 5 hours. Make sure you remember to bring the better cell phone next time.

Anonymous said...

Art, I don't know if it is still done, but back when I was interested in joining the marathon, there used to be a CARBO LOADING PARTY the day before the marathon. Where, I don't know. But all the entrants ate there. It might have been spaghetti and garlic bread that they ate.

To get into the spirit of the event, why don't you dine there?

Oh, I am so excited for you! I will read the newspaper after the marathon and hope to see your name as WINNER OF YOUR AGE DIVISION!!!! Yay!

Dina said...

Art, I'm just glad you made it home. Kay had me worried a bit yesterday.

I can't even imagine running for so long. It is awesome what you do.

Cheryl said...

Way to go Art!

Anonymous said...

Well at least now you know what it feels like to hit the wall. You will not have to worry about it on race day.
So you went out for a planned 20 miler and decided to try to do 24 miles?

Ed Mooney said...

Great job Art!!!!!! Basically your training is DONE. Just relax and do easy runs , repair the tissue in your legs and get ready mentaly for race day. Ed

quilly said...

Kay scared me yesterday, too! I am glad you made it home safely.

Kavita Saharia said...

Yes,please listen to KAY,a cell phone is a good idea.Five hours is a pretty long best wishes and prayers are with you,like GIGI said would love to see your name in winners ....for us YOU ARE A WINNER ALREADY.