Got up a little before 4:30 AM and was out the door around 5:00 AM with my trusty Pentax camera and Garmin.

Ran down Waimano Home Road and stopped on the pedestrian bridge. Waipahu was still asleep, not the best shot since it was DARK.

Tried to capture the full moon at the Kam intersection before continuing to the end of the Naval housing area.

Turned around and headed back to the jogging path which has mile markers.

Ran toward Pearl Harbor on the path to the mile marker at the Blasidell Park. Here's a photo of the harbor at sunrise.

Ran back and stopped at a small taro patch next to the path.

Then it was on to Waipahu.

Along the way there are a couple of narrow bridges

and navy ships that appear to be in mothball storage.

Finally in Waipahu the jogging path follows a drainage channel and the Makalena golf course. I turned back at a bridge that is about a quarter of a mile short of Waipahu Depot Road. Depot Road will be my next long run turn around point.

The run back up Waimano Home Road is a killer especially when you’re almost out of gas. Stopped on pedestrian bridge again for another photo; it was a chance to catch my breath.
I followed the same route as I did last Saturday which means my “guessimate” of 11.5 miles using a map was actually a little short. According to Garmin the distance is 12.36 miles. My time last weekend was 2:15:10. It was 2:18:47 today which included several photo stops. Although my time was slower, I feel a lot more tied today. Or, could it be my memory of last week’s run has faded a bit?
Wow, I’m not even half way through a marathon, and I’m dead tired. But, I’ve got to keep this positive! Glad I started training early. I have three months to “gradually” increase my distance another 14 miles.
I’ll take a much needed rest on Sunday. Yippee!
Very nice photos. It's nice for me to see where you're actually going when I'm fast asleep.
Art, I am in awe that you can run for 2 hours and 18 minutes!
So glad you carry the camera and have a reason to stop and shoot from time to time. Your series of pictures at jogger's-eye-level gives a real feeling of what your route is like. Wow, you see so many interesting things on the way! I would forget to run (even if I could run). :)
Your moon photos are so beautiful.
Watching the dawn is so magical.
Good luck with your training. Good on ya, mate!
seeing pictures, I'm thinking I wish I lived in Hawaii!
when i went to Honolulu, I got up in the early morning before the sun rise. I went jogging around Waikiki beach:)
Dina, thanks for stopping by and commenting. I've got a long long way to go yet. Got to add 14 more miles in the next three months. Guess it's one of those "if there is a will, there 'must' be a way."
Take care and talk to you later,
Yes, the photos are beautiful.
Hey, I tend to wake up early, too. This morning, I woke up at midnight (after going to bed at 9 pm) and posted my new blog entry. Then I went to bed and woke up at 4:30 a.m.
Crazy hours, to say the least.
I am so impressed by your distance and your drive to do this. You just started and you're already half way there.
I am very proud to know someone that is always setting new goals for himself.
Coming from someone that wishes she could run a marathon, you are a role model!
I also can't believe the great pictures that you are able to take while running!
Coming from someone who tried for years and decades to run, and now walks.
Go Art, go Cubs!
Well Art, you have more will (-power) and self discipline than anyone I know.
Good job Dad! That's a side of PC I'll prob never see. :)
Those shots turned out really well considering how dark it was. Good thing you have a reflective vest!
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