Yesterday, I forgot to mention encountering an early morning flock of cheering birds.
I also discovered my heart monitoring chest strap works just fine around my waist. I started my run yesterday with it strapped around my chest but decided to drop it to my waist and planned to raise it later when I wanted the monitor on. That way I’d avoid having it around my chest for a long period. I didn’t want a repeat of those funny red spots on my chest again. To my surprise, Garmin kept displaying a pulse rate. So, I’ll be running with the strap around my waist from now on.
Another thing about my Garmin FR60, it’s got all these cool alerts like distance traveled, time interval, heart rate: high and low range, speed, etc. I set a bunch of these alerts for my training but found the beeping alerts drove me crazy. Running in the dark and switching on the background light every time an alert goes off is just too much to fiddle with. I’ve got to keep my eyes on the ground ahead. I’ll use the alerts when there’s daylight.
Ha, I love your idea of the roadside birds cheering you on.
Have a good day of rest.
By now you must have relished Japanese Stew your mom made...being cheered by morning flocks sounds great....burning so many calories Greater....lots of rest Greatest....where is Marathon Maniac???
Do you listen to music or something? I can't imagine running for that long without music.
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