I tried two of the energy gels I had purchased earlier a Gu Orange Burst Energy Gel with caffeine and later a PowerBar Raspberry Cream Gel without caffeine. Both went down easily and sat well in my tummy. Made sure I drank water after each. Now I have to figure how to squeeze the gel out without getting all over my fingers. Guess I don’t have to get the very last drop out of the package. Nothing like running with sticky fingers. As for the flavors, I preferred the orange to the raspberry cream. I still have lemon, chocolate, strawberry banana, and green apple to try. As for the caffeine, I couldn't tell the difference with or without it. Perhaps I was too involved in running to feel anything or the caffeine’s effect was too subtle. I’m sure the extra calories the gels provided helped though.

Again Kay made a smoothie for my breakfast. Actually, she had two glasses waiting for me. I inhaled the first one as soon as I walked in the kitchen and saved the second for after my shower. We had lunch again at Burger King only because we got a free Whopper when we bought a value meal with a coupon that was going to expiring soon. Whoa, that's 2 burgers in a row.
I have never had a smoothie, though my daughter makes it every day. I would never drink hers, though, as she puts cayenne powder and other weird substances in it.
Those gels look interesting. But, I, too, would not want to run with sticky fingers! haha
I hope there's nothing wrong with taking in so many calories at once after a run.
The gels look interesting Art, I imagine sticky fingers while running would be weird. If you had to stop and use the restroom, it could be a big problem!
Kay's smoothie looks good, what does she put in it! Always looking for something good to have.
Good job on your distance .Glad the trade winds are being kind to you.
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