One of the neat things about running in the mornings is watching the sun rise. There were no clouds over the Koolau Mountains just a crescent moon.

It was a short 4 mile run morning. It follows a 4 miler on Monday and 7 miler yesterday. Saturday will be a real test; it is my 15 miler. I am expecting to be on the road for about 3 hours. I will be experimenting again eating a Clif bar and drinking water however this time earlier in the run.
Hope the weather is not as humid as last weekend when we had Kona (leeward or southwestern) winds. I guess it is like the folks in Chicago complaining about getting those hot and humid Gulf weather in the summer or in LA when the Santa Ana winds heat things up. Wonder what they call it in New Mexico?
On Saturday? That's our big birthday Makino Chaya buffet lunch for mom so you'll be able to replenish your carbs IF you don't fall asleep after your run.
Art, your moon is so sweet. And I love the color of the sky.
But I just can't imagine running for hours...
I did get up at first light today (had to be on the first bus). The bird song and light and quiet is the best part of the 24 hours.
Happy birthday to Mom! She is so cute in the photo with the mayor.
I'll be thinking of you on Sat and rooting you on!
Go Art Go Art Go Art!!!!!!
Happy birthday Kay's Mom too!!
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