It must be mock orange season. There is a fragrant variety here that is often planted along the sidewalk. When I pass the sweet smelling white blossoms early in the morning, I get a little charge and have to smile. What a way to start the day.
So far, this week has been:
Mon…4 miler
Wed…8 miler
Thu…4 miler
I will rest tomorrow in preparation for another long 16 miler on Saturday.
I have to figure out how to get more water during my long runs. My 16.9 fl oz water bottle is just not enough. Carrying two bottles is a bit cumbersome. I can carry two bottles for a couple of miles and then stash one along the route I plan to return. Problem is what if someone walks a dog and makes a pit stop where my bottle is. This is unlikely since it is really early and there are not many dog walker out yet. The other option is to stop at my favorite park rec facility and fill up. It is, however, out of the way. I will try the second option first; otherwise, I would have both hands full on my last mile up the steep Waimano Home Road. Granted two almost empty water bottles do not weigh much but…
We always had those mock orange bushes in front of our house when we were growing up. The fragrance is something I took for granted then but appreciate now.
Hmmmmm.... water? I take it you're not passing any Zippy's on your route hunh?
Our mock orange bushes are in full bloom, too. Lovely!
Art, maybe Kay can man a water stop along the way -- like the good wife she is! haha.
Hello Kay,
I admire your ability to get out there and run. I have a hard time running but I do like to ride the bicycle. It allows for some coasting.
Enjoy and good luck in the races...
So nice to have flowers line your journey. They bring out a smile and make the miles see easier.
Sounds perfect to me.
Steve: (Kay writing) This blog is actually my husband, Art's blog. I know it's rather confusing. It's a chronicle of his efforts. Me, I don't jog more than half a block, if it's a short block that is.
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