Wednesday, September 30, 2009

In the Groove Again

I did a 6.1 miler this morning in 1:05.05 and felt good throughout the run. I was a bit worried at first since it was two weeks ago I injured myself doing this same distance on the same course running up Royal Summit. This time I slowed down and ran a lot more relaxed. Plan to do a short 2 miler tomorrow and rest on Friday for my long run on Saturday.

I am back to my soba lunches supplementing them with Power Bars. Holding off on experimenting with eating anything while running. Think I will do that after I increase my distance to over 10 miles which should happen next week.

My “go or no go” date is quickly approaching. The deadline for local folks from the islands to register is October 31 for the $85 discount entry fee. I am planning to apply online on October 15 which is coming up in a couple of weeks. I’m still working on trying to convince family and friends to participate as walkers for the 10 K event which starts after the marathoners are off. There are minor inconveniences though such as the $37 entrance fee for walkers and getting up real early. I cannot say I know anyone willing to get up at 3:00 AM on a Sunday to walk. The marathon starts at 5:00 AM and most of the streets in the area will be closed by 4:00 AM so we have to get an early start. Well, I have a whole month to find someone. Any volunteers?


Peggy said...

Wow that's EARLY!
I'm sure family will be there on in support...maybe not in body but in spirit!

Kay said...

Oh yes, definitely in spirit!

gigi-hawaii said...

Art, I hope you won't HIT THE WALL at the 20th mile post. Nah, you'll do fine! Good luck!

Steve said...

We all here in West Linn Oregon are cheering for you so get out there and Win one for us old guys.

Hi Kay, Rosy is back teaching however she decided to do Kinder???? I don't know how you two handle those little people five days a week.

Kay said...

Hi Steve,
I'm retired now but I loved teaching. I loved watching the world open up to all those young minds. I know how much Rosy will love it, too.

Dina said...

What?? $85?? No wonder you are so serious about preparing for this.

If there are no uphills I will walk it. :) Send me a ticket. hehe