Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Not a Good Day

Started my midweek run at 6:30 AM, a little later than usual. I concentrated on my pace trying to figure out how fast I'm running. I set Garmin’s “Virtual Partner” to pace my run for 10 minute per mile. While running Garmin shows me if I’m ahead or behind (highlighted in black) of that pace. It also tells me how many minutes and miles I’m ahead or behind. I was on my way down from Royal Summit at about the 4 mile mark when I felt a slight pain in my left inner thigh and groin area. I ran for another mile at a slower pace, but the pain continued so I walked home. I did the 6.95 miles in 1:16:26 including the walk.

According to the info on the web, I've either pulled or strained my adductor muscle which is between my thigh and groin. I’ll need to rest until the pain goes away. If the pain persists, it may be a sports hernia that may require a doctor’s visit. Getting injured is always a setback and downer, but on the positive side we’ll be entertaining out of town guests next week. This will be a good chance to rest and spend time sitting around “talking story.” We weren’t planning anything really strenuous since they’re all in their late 70’s.

It’s too bad I’ll be out for a while since I was doing so well with my training. Until I felt the pain this morning, I was in a groove and felt comfortable running at the 10 min per mile pace. Unfortunately, there are a lot of steep hills around here and its difficult avoiding them. Steep hills are notorious for causing runners injuries. Just got to learn to slow my pace going up and especially coming down them.

Will post this weekend on my recovery progress.


Anonymous said...

Yikes. I hope it's not too serious. Sharp pain is never a good thing. Do you think that you increased the mileage too quickly?

Tif said...

Pleaes please please take it easy and fully recover. Don't want to have to worry more about you. :)

Dina said...

Oh Art, please take care of that.
Take it easy on yourself.
I hate pain. May yours be gone soon.

Kay said...

You need to take it easy, Sweetie!

Jean said...

running is good. speedy recovery!

ps you're invited to comment on my post too =)