Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Posted by Art

Got at 4:55 AM, changed, stretched using a modified version of the routine, and equipped myself with a reflective vest (it’s pretty dark at 5:30), ID bracelet, and my trusty Garmin. I decided not to wear my heart monitor chest strap since my long run last Saturday left me with funny red marks across my chest. I must have had the strap too tight, was afraid it would slip off so I had it pretty snug. I’ve loosen it plan to use it again this weekend during my next long outing.

The results of my morning run were satisfying on two fronts. First, I finished the run feeling pretty good, not tired at all. According to what I’ve read, these training runs should not leave you breathless. One should be able to carry on a conversation during the run which is a little difficult if you’re running alone. Secondly, I ran my usual course from Momilani past New Town and then up Royal Summit . According to Garmin, it was 6.22 miles. Google Map shows the same route as 6.239 miles. So, I’m happy to report Garmin is accurate enough for my training purposes. I may be off by a few yards but nothing to worry about when I’ve got 26 miles 385 yards (26.2 miles) to cover.


Kay said...

From Gigi: Hi, Art. Welcome to the blog world; it can be quite addictive.

I joined the Marathon Clinic, led by cardiologist Dr. Jack Scaffe, back in 1982 -- 6 months after giving birth to Lisa, my 2nd kid. It was held at Kapiolani Park. At first, we ran around the park. Then, one Sunday, we piled into a chartered bus, and got off at Makapuu Point, where we began our jog back to Kapiolani Park -- a 14+ mile jog.

Had to quit when I got chest pains and had to relieve myself in the bushes.

Good luck to you! Hope you run a 4 hour or less marathon in December.

gigi-hawaii said...


gigi-hawaii said...

Yay, it works! Thanks, Kay.

gigi-hawaii said...

I am patiently waiting for Art to update his blog. Has his time improved? How many miles today?

A former boyfriend once ran the ULTRA-MARATHON in Hawaii. It consisted of 2 marathons back to back. He won.

Dina said...

Go Art! If training is what it takes to get you to blog, go for it!

Great Grandma Lin said...

good for you. we'd all like to join you especially running in hawaii. you are ambitious. that's good-it keeps you young.