Sunday, December 13, 2009

I Did It!

I got up a little after 3:00 this morning after a restless night. Must have been too keyed up about the marathon. As planned I ate a banana and part of a Clif Bar for breakfast, got ready and did my stretches. Dennis, Kay’s brother, came a little before 4:00 to drive us to Honolulu. He spent all morning with Kay driving to various spots where both took photos of my run.

The marathon started on time at 5:00 with fireworks over the Honolulu harbor. I ran the course pretty much as planned, sticking to a 11 to 12 minute mile pace at first and downing six gel packs, one for every 4 miles. Although I skipped the first water station, I walked through and hydrated myself at every one after that. The stations offered cups of Gatorade and ice water, and wet sponges. Some even had ice cubes available from large plastic bags. The water stations were well spaced, just a few for the first half of the course and then much more the second half about a mile and a half to two miles apart. After a few stations, I got the hang of it first picking up a cup of Gatorade, then some water, ditching the Gatorade cup and picking up a sponge to cool off.

I sort of hit the “wall” again around the 19 to 20 mile mark. My left leg just did not want to move. I think it was my knee. Having experienced a similar “wall” encounter before, I nursed the rest of the run and finished by walking and jogging slowly.

I’m now the proud owner of a “fire engine” yellow T-shirt which I can use running early in the mornings. They’ll see me coming from a mile away.

We all received finisher medallions which I plan to use as a Christmas tree ornament.

Some final questions: Did I have fun today? Yes, although my legs are still sore from being on the road for 5 hours and 41+ minutes. Will I be doing this next year again? It depends if I can convince my “Run Day” logistics support to get up early again.

I just wanted to let you all know that during the run I often thought about all the best wishes I had received. They kept me motivated and focused throughout my marathon run. Kay asked if there was ever a time I felt I could not make it. Told her not really. With all the training I had done, I was confident I could finish. I had a lot of folks supporting me too, and there was no way I could not finish what I had started over four months ago.

This will be my last post. I have enjoyed having you all be part of my marathon experience and appreciated your kind words of support. Thank you all and have a wonderful holiday.

Friday, December 11, 2009

A Run, Not a Race

I have learned that training for the marathon is a combination of getting physically fit and mentally prepared. My physical training was pretty much over when I completed the 20 miler last month and spent the past weeks tapering off my mileage. I ran an easy 2 miler this morning and will rest on Saturday. I have also decided it will be a 26.2 mile run and not a race. I’m planning to enjoy the outing and finish running.

Another important part to a marathon is the support one gets. All of those who have read and commented on this blog have really been great for my psyche. Kay and her brother, Dennis, will make the ultimate sacrifice by getting up very early to drive me in. Dennis will be coming by tomorrow to plan for Sunday. We’re trying to convince him to take our Prius but he’s a bit nervous about driving it. Maybe he can drive it tomorrow and get comfortable on the road. We plan to drive the marathon course so they can scope out areas to watch and I can get a feel what I’m in for.

As Kay’s Musings noted, we picked up my bib and timing chip at the Honolulu Marathon Expo on Wednesday. There were a lot of runners from Japan picking up packets too. Since more than half of the runners are supposed to be from Japan, all signs and information were bilingual and most of the vendors catered to them. I stopped by the Maui Marathon booth where the lady encouraged me to signup for their race next fall. After explaining this was my first and I was not sure I’d do another, she still insisted I consider running on Maui where the scenery is much better than Oahu. I asked her for a brochure but to my surprise she had only Japanese language ones, none in English. Oh well, I was more successful at the Lava booth where they sold locally made gels. Got Tropical Mango and Kona Mocha (with caffeine). I tried them on a couple of runs and had no problems. I’ll be taking Gu and Lava gels for my run.

I’m feeling great and the weather forecast for Sunday is nice, partly cloudy in the low 80’s. I’ll check back in on Sunday after my run.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

My Last Long Run

I did my last long run before race day. It was an 8 miler which brings my total miles for this second to the last week to 16 miles. I ate a banana and part of a Clif Bar, got ready and rested a full hour before starting out. There were no clouds and the temperature was cool, in the low 60’s. Went out with a long sleeve shirt and noticed all the walkers had on light jackets. I still can’t believe I’m running at 5:30 in the morning in shorts with a cotton T-shirt, no ear protectors or gloves. What a difference from running in the Chicagoland area.

I’ll be picking up my packet on Wednesday at the Honolulu Marathon Expo being held at the Hawaii Convention Center. That’s where I’ll get my running number and timing chip. There is supposed to be a bunch of vendors, but with the slow economy in Hawaii I don’t think there will be much free stuff. The major sponsor this year is Japan Airlines. Wonder if I can get free upgrades to first class for our coach tickets we have to Tokyo next year.

I’m still working on my marathon game plan for next Sunday. Thus far, it looks like this: get up around 3:00, eat a banana and Clif Bar breakfast with water, clean up and get dressed, and do my stretches. Plan to bring 6 Gu gel packs, one for every 4 miles. I’ll also have a cell phone to call Kay and Dennis, her brother, who will be driving my tired body back home. I’m very thankful to have both who are willing to get up early and drive me to Honolulu for my early 5:00 start.

I’ll check in again next week before the race.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

A Very Good Day

Well, I was able to do 10 miles early this morning. It was one of those beautiful mornings with a nice cool breeze under partly cloudy skies. Hope to have the same weather come marathon day.

I received my official pick-up card in the mail this week. I had read several weeks ago that over half the Honolulu Marathon runners last year were from Japan. Since the Japanese yen has been at near record highs against the US dollar this year, they are expecting an even large group. It’ll make up for the lower numbers they are expecting from the West Coast which has been hit hard by the economy.

By the way, I finished in time to bake our belated Thanksgiving pumpkin pie. Only problem was we didn't have any shortening for the crust. I substituted margarine for it and ended up with a crust having a hard cracker like consistency instead of one with a light flakey texture. The pie filling was pretty good though especially with lots of whipped cream. Kay tried brining our turkey this year, and it turned out moist and delicious. We had a great family dinner to end a very good day.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

I went for my turkey day run this morning bringing my total midweek mileage to 12 miles. A woman startled me with a “Happy Thanksgiving” greeting when I passed her. I didn’t think anyone had their act together at 5:30 in the morning but seeing a familiar face, I suppose, brings us all closer. Actually, while running I had totally forgotten what day it was since we’re not having our Thanksgiving get together until Saturday.

I have a 10 miler this weekend and will likely do it on Sunday. I have to bake a pumpkin pie on Saturday and have been told the oven is mine in the morning. The turkey has the afternoon time slot. However, if I can be out the door by 5:00 on Saturday morning I should be back by 7:00 which should be plenty of time to bake a pie.

Here’s wishing everyone a “Happy Thanksgiving.”

Sunday, November 22, 2009

To Stop or Not to Stop

I did my 12 miler this morning. Got up early and eat a banana and part of a Clif bar washing it down with some water afterwards. I made sure to wait an hour to allow everything to settle before hitting the road. Also, downed a Gu gel on the road without a problem.

It was a nice relaxing run working on pacing myself and drinking water more often. I did encounter an interesting dilemma. While running on the sidewalk under the H-1 freeway, I noticed a bright shiny quarter right in front of me. I had to make a quick decision: should I slow down, stop and pick it up or just run pass it. Well, I just could not resist. I stopped and put it in my pocket. Had it been a smaller denomination, I suppose I would have left it for someone else.

This reminds me of all the coins I picked up while riding my bike (when the weather was nice) commuting to and from the train station to work. I had several old film canisters at the office filled with change I called “street money.” I made it a practice to drop the coins into those donation cans they have on convenience store and fast food counters.

No, I don’t plan on stopping to pickup anything during the marathon…but, if it’s a big paper bill I may be tempted.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Banana for the Road

I did my 18 miles for the week and will top it off with a 12 miler on Sunday. I can’t do the long run on Saturday as Kay has us going to a flea market at Pearl Harbor’s Richardson Rec Park in the morning.

I eat half a banana this morning before running to see if my tummy would be okay. It was fine. On the morning of the race day, it is recommended runners eat a light snack such as a banana, bagel, toast, or energy bar 1 to 2 hours before running. It helps maintain glycogen storage. On Sunday, I will eat an entire banana and down it with some water before starting off.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

21 Miler, a Very Long Day

I did my 20 miler this morning and hit the proverbial WALL. I ran much the same as I had done previously, staying above the 11:30 miles pace, drinking lots of water, and downing a couple gel packs. The weather was windy but mostly cloudy and a little humid. I felt pretty good at my 16 mile mark, and I decided to continue along the shoreline bike path for another 3.5 miles before turning around. By doing this, my total mileage for the day would be 24 miles. I thought I could run “a little over” my planned 20 miles and walk the remainder when I tired out. To my surprise, at about the 20 mile mark I started slowing down and quickly ran out of steam. What’s worst I had just turned around and was starting to head back home. At that point I was over 4 miles out. I managed to run another mile and finally decided to walk the rest of the way including the 1 mile + climb up Waimano Home Road. When I got home I was all tuckered out and could barely down a smoothie. I showered and took an hour nap.

I had originally planned to do the 20 miler on Saturday but I dropped a cabinet door scraping my left shin. I immediately iced it and wrapped aloe around the affected area. There was no pain at all just a black and blue mark Friday evening. I decided to play it safe and wait a day. The foot did not bother during the run.

Bottom line, what did I learn about this morning’s outing? For one, the saying about the last 6 miles is the most difficult is certainly true. I will have to be better prepared. I’ll increase the number of gel packs and start taking them earlier. Definitely drink more water through out the run especially during the latter part. I may have to slow my pace or take short walking breaks. I ran most of the 21 miles taking short breaks to fill my water bottle and slowing down to down the gel packs. I was at 4:13:25 at my 21 mile mark. Plan to eat a slightly higher carb and protein diet during the week before my race.

I’ll rest a couple of days and start running on Wednesday. I have 18 miles to do before my 12 miler on Saturday. Today is the longest run I’ll do. From this point on I’ll be tapering (reducing) my mileage as I get closer to marathon day.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Physically and Mentally Prepared

I had 16 miles to do this week before my long Saturday outing. The plan was to do 5 on Monday, 6 on Wednesday and another 5 on Thursday. Well, we’ve been having a lot of rain lately so I took Marathon Mentor Ed’s advice and combined the mileage by running 11 miles on Monday and 5 more this morning. I’ll rest tomorrow and complete my long 20 + miler on Saturday. If it rains on Saturday, I’ll try Sunday.

It’s interesting to note this training has not only developed my distance stamina but also given me a mental boost and the confidence to complete the 26 + mile run. If you would have asked me a year ago to run a 10 miler, I would have bent my head, shook it and said “no way.” Now, I consider the 10 miler my middle running distance. I’m not running very fast though; but I’ve been able to keep my 11:30 to 12:00 minute mile pace. Will let you know how this weekend goes.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Out of Memory and a Reality Check

When I started out this morning, the air was cool, streets were wet and there were occasional refreshing passing light drizzles. I had the feeling it was going to be a great run. But, about the 9 mile mark Garmin beeped indicating the memory was full and stopped recording my run. I should have checked its memory before starting. There is nothing like running and trying to remember how to free up more memory. I kept running and pressing buttons without success. Finally, I slowed down and walked to fully concentrate. I remember, I had to get to the “History” screen and select “Delete.” Of course, instead of selecting “Old Activities” I just hit the “All Activities” which promptly wiped the memory clean including my morning run thus far. So I just started a new running record. After finishing my longest running route to date and what I thought was a 19 miler, I discovered that it was only 17 miles. To be sure, I checked the route using Google’s Pedometer and, to my surprise, it was just a little over 17 miles. If this sounds confusing, it certainly was to me. Where did my 2 miles go?

Since I hate taking the blame for this one, it was Garmin who screwed up. Oh well, I’ll have to recalibrate it to more accurately record the correct distance. As my son reminded me, I should have gotten the Garmin that used GPS technology instead of the cheaper foot pad one that’s like a high tech pedometer. Granted, I had noticed earlier when I ran slower with shorter strides Garmin displayed a few yards off per mile. Didn’t think it would add up to that much.

For the outing I tried a 2 x caffeine Expresso Love and a no caffeine Strawberry Banana Gu gel. Had no problem with my tummy. The coffee flavored one was much tastier. I’m sure the added caffeine must have given me a boost; I couldn’t tell when.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Mauka Showers But Clear Makai

It rained off and on yesterday so I gave myself an extra day off. This morning I was determined to get some mileage in. When I walked out a little after 5:00 AM and felt a few drops, I had to go back in and checked the horizon from our second floor. There were dark clouds mauka (up mountain direction) where the showers were coming from. However, it looked clear down towards the ocean side (makai). I usually run up and down the mountainside during weekdays to avoid the heavy traffic which I have to run pass to get down to the bike path along the coastline. Traffic is much lighter during the weekend.

Anyway, I braved the traffic and ran down to the coastline and ran into the naval housing area which has good street lights. Much safer while it’s still dark. Although the bike path is paved, it does not have lights in many sections making it difficult to run early in the morning. During my long weekend runs, I run pass the bike path down to the naval housing area first and by the time I return to the bike path the sun is just coming out making it easier and safer to do the path. But, this morning as I ran back to the bike path I felt rain drops. I ended up running around the housing area several time keeping an eye on the mountain for a break in the weather. It finally cleared so I made my way back up the hill to finish my 8.28 mile run.

The weather is supposed to be nice this weekend which will be great for my 19 miler.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Better Weather, Slower Pace and Energy Gels

What a difference cool dry trade winds makes. Along with a slower pace and two energy gels, I finished feeling pretty good; not really tired at all. I did my 17.47 miler in 3:28.39. Although the sun was out and it was getting pretty hot by 7:30 which was about my 2 hr 30 min mark (started at 5:00 AM), the air was not very humid making it a lot easier to run. I slowed down my pace throughout the run to conserve energy, and it helped towards the end climbing the hill.

I tried two of the energy gels I had purchased earlier a Gu Orange Burst Energy Gel with caffeine and later a PowerBar Raspberry Cream Gel without caffeine. Both went down easily and sat well in my tummy. Made sure I drank water after each. Now I have to figure how to squeeze the gel out without getting all over my fingers. Guess I don’t have to get the very last drop out of the package. Nothing like running with sticky fingers. As for the flavors, I preferred the orange to the raspberry cream. I still have lemon, chocolate, strawberry banana, and green apple to try. As for the caffeine, I couldn't tell the difference with or without it. Perhaps I was too involved in running to feel anything or the caffeine’s effect was too subtle. I’m sure the extra calories the gels provided helped though.

Again Kay made a smoothie for my breakfast. Actually, she had two glasses waiting for me. I inhaled the first one as soon as I walked in the kitchen and saved the second for after my shower. We had lunch again at Burger King only because we got a free Whopper when we bought a value meal with a coupon that was going to expiring soon. Whoa, that's 2 burgers in a row.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Yellow Morning

Before running this morning I checked AIRNow to find out what the air quality was like outside; it was too dark see. Honolulu was listed as an “Yellow 75” which I thought was okay since it was only 25 points above “Green.”

AirNow is a federal, state and locally maintained website providing air quality forecasts as well as real-time conditions. I’m not too sure how accurate the system is though. The forecast for today was supposed to be "green” but the air sure looks bad this afternoon, and the current status is “Yellow 79.” I guess that’s a problem with running too early in the morning. You can’t see air quality.

I have been getting some good advice from Ed, my marathon mentor. He recently recommended trying energy gels that I can drink instead of the bars which must be chewed. I got several different flavors from a sports store and will try a couple Saturday.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

16 Miles and 10 More to Go

Wow, yesterday’s 16 miler was my worst by far. I was dragging like an old hound dog coming up the hill to finish in 3:13.08.

After thinking about it, I am sure it was a case of overestimating and underestimating conditions. I had been running well during the last two weeks so I decided to increase my pace for the long run which was a big mistake. I was over confident and should have kept to my slower pace strategy. Also, I did not realize how the heat and humidity would adversely affect my outing. By the time I reached my 10 mile mark I was soaked with sweat and just about out of gas. I walked a while to catch my breath and drank more water. Luckily, I found another park rec facility next to the running path and filled my water bottle. Although I drank a lot of water, it was not enough for the hot weather. It reminded me of the Chicago Marathon in 2007 when temperatures reached into the high 80s. The race was called off before most runners finished. Over 300 runners were taken from the course by ambulance with heat-related conditions. I have got to keep an eye on what Mother Nature up to and be better prepared.

To help replenish lost calories, I celebrated with a large fruit smoothie that Kay made me after showering and a Burger King Whopper for lunch later. It was the first hamburger I have had in over 3 years. It really hit the spot.

You can see what happened after all the food since Kay couldn't resist capturing me unaware.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Mock Orange

It must be mock orange season. There is a fragrant variety here that is often planted along the sidewalk. When I pass the sweet smelling white blossoms early in the morning, I get a little charge and have to smile. What a way to start the day.

So far, this week has been:
Mon…4 miler
Wed…8 miler
Thu…4 miler
I will rest tomorrow in preparation for another long 16 miler on Saturday.

I have to figure out how to get more water during my long runs. My 16.9 fl oz water bottle is just not enough. Carrying two bottles is a bit cumbersome. I can carry two bottles for a couple of miles and then stash one along the route I plan to return. Problem is what if someone walks a dog and makes a pit stop where my bottle is. This is unlikely since it is really early and there are not many dog walker out yet. The other option is to stop at my favorite park rec facility and fill up. It is, however, out of the way. I will try the second option first; otherwise, I would have both hands full on my last mile up the steep Waimano Home Road. Granted two almost empty water bottles do not weigh much but…

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Saved by TP

Did my 15.53 miles in 2:59.30. I should explain that this overall time includes an unscheduled pit stop. It was early in my run. There is nothing like looking for a bathroom in the dark at about 5:30 AM. Luckily I knew where to go, and it is a good thing I was carrying some TP. The remainder of the run went very well. I had a piece of Clif bar at my 1 hour distance and another at the 2 hour mark with no problems. I found, however, I really did not have an appetite to eat anything and had to force myself. I guess it is another thing I have to learn to do.

I noticed a lot more runners out this morning. There were several in groups of 6 or more which I am assuming are running clubs also preparing for the marathon. Bet there will be even more tomorrow, Sunday.

Well, I am off to a buffet luncheon at Makino Chaya to celebrate Kay’s mother’s 80th birthday. It will be a good chance to load up on some calories. At 100 calories per mile, I have about 1500 to consume.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

A Clear Sunrise

One of the neat things about running in the mornings is watching the sun rise. There were no clouds over the Koolau Mountains just a crescent moon.

It was a short 4 mile run morning. It follows a 4 miler on Monday and 7 miler yesterday. Saturday will be a real test; it is my 15 miler. I am expecting to be on the road for about 3 hours. I will be experimenting again eating a Clif bar and drinking water however this time earlier in the run.

Hope the weather is not as humid as last weekend when we had Kona (leeward or southwestern) winds. I guess it is like the folks in Chicago complaining about getting those hot and humid Gulf weather in the summer or in LA when the Santa Ana winds heat things up. Wonder what they call it in New Mexico?

Saturday, October 10, 2009

10 Mile Saturday

It is Saturday so it must be another long day. I did 10.70 miles this morning in 2:04.16.

I tried eating small amounts of a Clif Bar while walking and running. I made sure to drink water to down it afterwards. To my surprise, I had no problem. As a precaution, however, I did carry some TP.

I have been working on slowing my pace for the first part of the race in order to conserve energy for the more difficult second half. I find myself having to check Garmin often to make sure I maintained my pace. I have to practice running slower which will be especially difficult during race day. There will be lots of adrenalin flowing and other faster runners tempting me to run too fast at the beginning. I have been warned running too fast at the start is a common mistake for first time marathoners.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Still Going Strong and Wondering

Well, another 6 miler for my midweek run. It has been very hot and humid these past few days. Luckily, I have avoided the high temperatures by running early in the mornings but not the humidity. Guess I should not complain since most of the mainland is starting to cool off.

I tried running while listening to music but found it distracting. Guess I like to focus on the run and let my mind wander. In fact, this morning I was wondering how normal working folks ever find the time to train for a marathon. Granted, they would not be on the road as long as I am. Still, it requires several hours a week. I can barely keep it up and I am retired. You have got to admire all those runners who squeeze training into their busy daily lives.

Here’s my long weekend running schedule leading up to marathon day:


I also have some pretty long midweek runs to go along with it.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Back to Last Month

Again the alarm beeped at 4:30 AM, I was up and out the door a little after 5:00. Since I was feeling pretty good, decided to extend my planned 9 mile run to 12. Ended up running 12.48 miles in 2:19.09 which is where I was about a month ago. According to my journal on September 5, I ran 12.36 miles in 2:18.48. It looks like I am a month behind my original plan but I should be able to make it up. This morning I tried running at a 10 min 30 sec per mile pace. I kept to that pace until the last mile and a half which is all uphill.

By the way, it is a little difficult to see my pace display on Garmin early in the morning when it is still dark. I could use the backlight feature but I have been conserving my battery consumption. The well spaced street lamps are okay but there are no lights on the bike path.

Plan to start eating small portions of energy bars during my next long run. I will be trying a variety of flavors to determine which one agrees best with my tummy. Hope all goes well on the trail. Just in case, I know the locations of two park bathrooms along my route. Hmm, maybe I should bring some TP too.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

In the Groove Again

I did a 6.1 miler this morning in 1:05.05 and felt good throughout the run. I was a bit worried at first since it was two weeks ago I injured myself doing this same distance on the same course running up Royal Summit. This time I slowed down and ran a lot more relaxed. Plan to do a short 2 miler tomorrow and rest on Friday for my long run on Saturday.

I am back to my soba lunches supplementing them with Power Bars. Holding off on experimenting with eating anything while running. Think I will do that after I increase my distance to over 10 miles which should happen next week.

My “go or no go” date is quickly approaching. The deadline for local folks from the islands to register is October 31 for the $85 discount entry fee. I am planning to apply online on October 15 which is coming up in a couple of weeks. I’m still working on trying to convince family and friends to participate as walkers for the 10 K event which starts after the marathoners are off. There are minor inconveniences though such as the $37 entrance fee for walkers and getting up real early. I cannot say I know anyone willing to get up at 3:00 AM on a Sunday to walk. The marathon starts at 5:00 AM and most of the streets in the area will be closed by 4:00 AM so we have to get an early start. Well, I have a whole month to find someone. Any volunteers?

Monday, September 28, 2009

Good Start

I have started the week with a 4 mile run in 41:22.92. I felt good throughout the run and will slowly begin adding miles. I revised my running schedule since I was out the past week. It now looks like my longest run prior to the marathon will be around 21 miles. I was hoping to come closer to the 26 mile mark. However, the internet has numerous websites offering advice on training for a marathon and for first time runners, like me, it is not necessary to complete a 26 miler before race time. Although I was hoping to run that distance before my injury, I am taking a more conservative approach. I have to keep my original goal in mind which was to finish the race running. My finishing time should not be the driving force but I would like to maintain at least an 11.00 minute mile pace.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

I'm Back !

Rested and ready to start training again. Took a week and a half off to recuperate from my groin injury and entertain our out of town guests. At times, it was a bit frustrating not being on the road and able to add to the miles I had already accumulated. But, it was time well spent. Had a great time reminiscing our old college days and catching up on what happened since then. We even took a trip to the Big Island.

I feel fit as a fiddle and did a short 2 mile run this morning, no pain at all. Here’s my schedule for the coming week:

Mon...4 miles
Wed...6 miles
Thu...2 miles
Sat...9 miles

I am a week behind my original training plan and have to make up some miles. Luckily, I have two and a half months before race day.

Will report back on Monday.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Not a Good Day

Started my midweek run at 6:30 AM, a little later than usual. I concentrated on my pace trying to figure out how fast I'm running. I set Garmin’s “Virtual Partner” to pace my run for 10 minute per mile. While running Garmin shows me if I’m ahead or behind (highlighted in black) of that pace. It also tells me how many minutes and miles I’m ahead or behind. I was on my way down from Royal Summit at about the 4 mile mark when I felt a slight pain in my left inner thigh and groin area. I ran for another mile at a slower pace, but the pain continued so I walked home. I did the 6.95 miles in 1:16:26 including the walk.

According to the info on the web, I've either pulled or strained my adductor muscle which is between my thigh and groin. I’ll need to rest until the pain goes away. If the pain persists, it may be a sports hernia that may require a doctor’s visit. Getting injured is always a setback and downer, but on the positive side we’ll be entertaining out of town guests next week. This will be a good chance to rest and spend time sitting around “talking story.” We weren’t planning anything really strenuous since they’re all in their late 70’s.

It’s too bad I’ll be out for a while since I was doing so well with my training. Until I felt the pain this morning, I was in a groove and felt comfortable running at the 10 min per mile pace. Unfortunately, there are a lot of steep hills around here and its difficult avoiding them. Steep hills are notorious for causing runners injuries. Just got to learn to slow my pace going up and especially coming down them.

Will post this weekend on my recovery progress.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Not All Soba Are Created Equal

Another short run this morning, 4.15 miles in 44:25:56. My next goal is to figure out how fast I’m running, i.e., what's a 9, 10 and 11 minute per mile pace. I’ve got Garmin set to display my running pace in minutes per mile. I’ll just have to make mental notes of each pace and commit them to memory. Will try this on my next outing on Wednesday.

Now, about my noodle lunches.

Bought a couple of JFC International soba packages (on the right) yesterday on sale at the Don Quixote market. I had been eating the Nishimoto Trading Company’s Shirakiku Brand (on the left). The packaging looked similar to what I’d been eating so I “assumed” it was the same.

When I got home I was surprised to discover the sodium content on the package was extremely high. The Shirakiku brand (left) I’d been eating lists a larger serving size, 100 grams with only 65 mg of sodium. A serving of my new purchase (right) is 60 grams but has a whopping 1,020 mg of sodium. Oh, boy! I’d better look for my receipt to return it.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Another Long Day

Up at 4:30 AM with the help of an alarm clock. I was a block away before I realized I’d forgotten my water bottle at home. Back up the hill to get it. It was nice to run not having to think about where to stop to take photos. Ran close to my half marathon distance, 13.53 miles in 2:21:38. I noticed that I was at the 12 mile mark in about 2 hours. Then it was the last mile and a half up Waimano Home Road. It’s difficult because it’s all uphill and at the very end. At times my pace felt like I was almost walking.

I’m adjusting better to slowing down to a walk to drink a little water at a time. I noticed taking in too much water at once doesn’t sit well in my stomach. I’m trying to drink every 30 minutes or so. It’s not too bad earlier in the run when temperatures are cooler. However after the sun rises and starts heating things up, keeping hydrated is a must.

I’ve read that I’ll need to take in some carbs (glycogen) after the half way point of the marathon to prevent “hitting the wall.” It should be something that’s easy to digest such as fruits or energy gels and bars. I may try taking small pieces of an energy bar with me during my next long run just to see how my system reacts. Got to remember to drink right after eating. During the actual race they suggest eating something just before reaching an aid-station so you can wash it down with a drink.

Tomorrow’s a rest day followed by a short run on Monday.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Middle Distance Day

Up a little after 5:00 AM and was out the door at 5:30 AM after stretching. It was a clear still morning. Ran up to the park at Royal Summit.

View of Pearl Harbor on the way down.

It’s a residential route and according to Garmin, 6.87 miles round trip. Made it in 1:13:52.

I’m running more relaxed keeping in mind I’m supposed to be able to carry on a conversation. I’ve considered humming to myself but nixed the idea since other walkers I pass may think I’d gone off the deep end. I do wave and say good morning to those I pass. Most people acknowledge by waving, nodding, or even replying with a smile and good morning. It’s funny but there’s an old grumpy looking gentleman who never said anything at first but I kept saying good morning to him. Recently, he’s been responding with a nod and "morning."

Planning to do a very short run tomorrow and rest on Friday. Saturday will be my long 13 miler. It’s my half marathon milestone. Won’t be carrying my camera just a water bottle.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Rest Day

Rested today and tried to maintain my calorie count with a Japanese buckwheat noodle (soba) lunch. According to the soba package, each serving has 360 calories and 65 mg sodium. My blood pressure is on the boarder line high side, and I’ve got to watch my sodium intake so this is a good carb source that’s quite tasty with a little seasoning. I’ve been having these noodles for lunch the past few week hoping to buildup carb reserves on rest days for my alternating running days.

I have to remember to also consume an adequate amount of proteins and fats to keep a balance running diet.

Tomorrow is another medium 6 mile day

Monday, September 7, 2009

Relaxing Labor Day, Kind of

Took an easy early morning run up to the Pearl City Cultural Center at the top of the Waimano Home Road.

There are several feral cats around Pearl City High School which is next to the cultural center. Wonder if the students and/or faculty are feeding the little guys/gals? As I recall there were also lots of feral cats around the University of Hawaii campus in Manoa when I was there many many years ago.

Ran 3.25 miles in 40:35.15.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sunday, A Day of Rest

Enjoying a much needed rest day and planning to consume some serious calories. I’m burning about 100 calories per mile.

Yesterday, I forgot to mention encountering an early morning flock of cheering birds.

I also discovered my heart monitoring chest strap works just fine around my waist. I started my run yesterday with it strapped around my chest but decided to drop it to my waist and planned to raise it later when I wanted the monitor on. That way I’d avoid having it around my chest for a long period. I didn’t want a repeat of those funny red spots on my chest again. To my surprise, Garmin kept displaying a pulse rate. So, I’ll be running with the strap around my waist from now on.

Another thing about my Garmin FR60, it’s got all these cool alerts like distance traveled, time interval, heart rate: high and low range, speed, etc. I set a bunch of these alerts for my training but found the beeping alerts drove me crazy. Running in the dark and switching on the background light every time an alert goes off is just too much to fiddle with. I’ve got to keep my eyes on the ground ahead. I’ll use the alerts when there’s daylight.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

A Long Morning

Got up a little before 4:30 AM and was out the door around 5:00 AM with my trusty Pentax camera and Garmin.

Ran down Waimano Home Road and stopped on the pedestrian bridge. Waipahu was still asleep, not the best shot since it was DARK.

Tried to capture the full moon at the Kam intersection before continuing to the end of the Naval housing area.

Turned around and headed back to the jogging path which has mile markers.

Ran toward Pearl Harbor on the path to the mile marker at the Blasidell Park. Here's a photo of the harbor at sunrise.

Ran back and stopped at a small taro patch next to the path.

Then it was on to Waipahu.

Along the way there are a couple of narrow bridges

and navy ships that appear to be in mothball storage.

Finally in Waipahu the jogging path follows a drainage channel and the Makalena golf course. I turned back at a bridge that is about a quarter of a mile short of Waipahu Depot Road. Depot Road will be my next long run turn around point.

The run back up Waimano Home Road is a killer especially when you’re almost out of gas. Stopped on pedestrian bridge again for another photo; it was a chance to catch my breath.

I followed the same route as I did last Saturday which means my “guessimate” of 11.5 miles using a map was actually a little short. According to Garmin the distance is 12.36 miles. My time last weekend was 2:15:10. It was 2:18:47 today which included several photo stops. Although my time was slower, I feel a lot more tied today. Or, could it be my memory of last week’s run has faded a bit?

Wow, I’m not even half way through a marathon, and I’m dead tired. But, I’ve got to keep this positive! Glad I started training early. I have three months to “gradually” increase my distance another 14 miles.

I’ll take a much needed rest on Sunday. Yippee!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Posted by Art: Another Short Run

On the road at about 6:00 AM this morning for a short run. According to Garmin, did the 4.08 mile route in 40:41.92 minutes which averages a little over 10 minutes per mile. That’s a comfortable pace for me which I’ve tried to maintain. I noticed, however, during my longer run last weekend, my pace started slowing down a lot after 5 miles. I didn’t have Garmin tracking my distance though. I’ll have Garmin with me tomorrow to provide a better reading.

Plan to take a small, but not so light, Pentax Optio camera with me to capture some early morning photos. It’ll be a good excuse for me to slow down.

Also, plan to carry more water than I did last weekend. Since I didn’t want carry too much weight, I only took a half filled 16.9 oz bottle. Well, I discovered I needed a lot more water for a 2 hour run. I’ll take a full bottle this time. Hope all this extra stuff I’m taking doesn’t slow me down too much….

Thursday, September 3, 2009

"Day of Rest" Posted by Art

Today’s a rest day. I’m alternating a run with a rest day. Definitely not like the ultra-marathoner features in today’s Honolulu Advertiser’s Island Life section. Dean Karnazes completed 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 days. No, that’s definitely not on my bucket list. Finishing one marathon is the only thing in my sight. As the literature suggest, the goal of one’s first marathon should be to finish it, running for times can come later.

Barring any injuries which is critical for this recreational jogger, I’m planning to gradually increase my longer weekend runs by one mile increments. I did about 11 mile last weekend. Not too sure of that distance since I hadn’t figured out how to activate the Garmin foot pad or calibrate it. I’ll use it this weekend. For longer distances, I’m running from Momilani down to the biking/walking/running path that runs from Pearl Harbor to Waipahu. The shoreline path going east from Pearl City has mile markers as it passes the HECO (Hawaiian Electric Company) power plant, Neal Blasidell Park, and Pearl Ridge Shopping Center. The path going west to Waipahu is unmarked and less used. I’m amazed to see so many folks fishing early in the morning.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Posted by Art

Got at 4:55 AM, changed, stretched using a modified version of the routine, and equipped myself with a reflective vest (it’s pretty dark at 5:30), ID bracelet, and my trusty Garmin. I decided not to wear my heart monitor chest strap since my long run last Saturday left me with funny red marks across my chest. I must have had the strap too tight, was afraid it would slip off so I had it pretty snug. I’ve loosen it plan to use it again this weekend during my next long outing.

The results of my morning run were satisfying on two fronts. First, I finished the run feeling pretty good, not tired at all. According to what I’ve read, these training runs should not leave you breathless. One should be able to carry on a conversation during the run which is a little difficult if you’re running alone. Secondly, I ran my usual course from Momilani past New Town and then up Royal Summit . According to Garmin, it was 6.22 miles. Google Map shows the same route as 6.239 miles. So, I’m happy to report Garmin is accurate enough for my training purposes. I may be off by a few yards but nothing to worry about when I’ve got 26 miles 385 yards (26.2 miles) to cover.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Monitoring His Heart

Posted by Art:

Sorry about not posting any updates but I’ve been working on getting to know my new Garmin FR60 heart monitoring watch with foot pad a little better. I recently ordered and received it online from Had a problem figuring out how the foot pad was supposed to work until I finally read the complete manual online and checked the QA section. Reading the quick start manual that came in the box didn’t quite do it for me.

Anyway, I’m now ready for my 6 mile run tomorrow morning. I’ve got my watched setup to page through: heart beats per minute, running time, distance covered, and calories burned. The only thing it won’t do is run for me but then it would take all the fun out of it if it did that.

That’s all for now, got to get up before 5:00 AM to take advantage of the cool morning trade winds.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Shiro's Carb-full Saimin

We had saimin noodles at Shiro's today. Art is trying to "carb up." Unfortunately, it's not the best thing for pre-diabetic me and my mom. Still, we only have saimin (which we happen to love) once a month. Art has also been eating soba more often at lunch and likes the fruit smoothies I've been making. He eats almost twice what I do but doesn't gain a pound.

He's been alternating long runs with shorter ones and the occasional day of rest to heal his body. I just hope he knows what the heck he's doing.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

He Said He's Going to Run the Marathon

Art says he's going to train to run in the Honolulu Marathon. I was not for it. He's complained that I'm not being supportive. It's quite true.

I think he's stressing his body too much and that worries me. Everything in moderation, I say. His doctor says he should be OK to do this... but you can never tell for sure. Well, that's comforting!

Our kids just want him to be safe and have bought him reflective clothing so that he can run before the sun comes up. They've also sent him identification bracelets and shoe markers.

He's also bought some kind of heart monitor to keep a check on his pulse. I'm going to let him post what he's up to. I'm just sitting here wringing my hands.